Monday, July 29, 2019

Crime Causation and Diversion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Crime Causation and Diversion - Essay Example In the end, they opt to take their behaviour in the society (Rubin, 2009). Moreover, juvenile delinquent behaviours could also be attributed to race. Black Americans and Mexicans youths engage in more delinquent behaviours due to their social class and deep rooted culture of violence. Adolescents in wanting to feel recognized in the society, engage in adult activities to corrupt their behaviour (Rubin, 2009). Following a rise of incidences of juvenile delinquency, a number of juvenile interventions programs became introduced in the state where I live. The two intervention programs commonly used in the state encompass the Intensive Delinquency Diversion Service (IDDS) and the Teen Court (Rubin, 2009). These intervention programs became founded to help reduce juvenile crimes in the area through a number of interventions they provide. These programs help model youth offenders with an aim of preventing them to become adult offenders in the future (Rubin, 2009). Q. 2 Intensive Delinquency Diversion Service aims at preventing young offenders from growing into chronic and adult offenders in future (Rubin, 2009). ... Teen courts hence prosecute youth offenders with minor offenders through the help of other offenders in order to give them a near experience of how the court in the real world would be like. Q. 3 The key participants in these programs involve all females and males under the age of 18 years with a history of delinquent behaviour (Rubin, 2009). Intensive Delinquency Diversion Service for instance often enrolls youths engaged in first offense at an age of 15 or less, children involved in truancy, poor school performance, and children that lack of parental supervision, children having substance abuse problems plus those affiliated to gangs (Rubin, 2009). Participants in Intensive Delinquency Diversion Service often are providing a wider scope for the program to function through capturing and correcting youth offenders before worsening to adult offenders (Rubin, 2009). The key participants in the Teen Courts entail youth offenders under the age of 18 years and judged by their peers. These courts often have youth volunteers to judge their peers (Rubin, 2009). Q. 4 Intensive Delinquency Diversion Service often provides a number of services to the juvenile offenders (Rubin, 2009). They include mental health or substance abuse counselling, curfews, doing community service, restitution to the affected victims, writing of letters of apology, forfeiture of driver’s license, and avoidance of contact with co-defendants, peers that encouraged the child into the given delinquent behaviour (Rubin, 2009). In teen courts, youth offenders become provided with firsthand experience of how the courts will be. The program helps in sentencing youths for minor delinquent behaviour and provision of sanctions to the offenders through a peer driven sentencing mechanism

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